Road and pavement paving stones

Road and pavement paving stones from a natural stone are reliable and hard material which durability is measured by decades. Granite paving stones differ in a noble esthetics and aren't afraid of differences of temperatures or big mechanical loading therefore they are widely applied both in paving of paths, and in arrangement of city highways.Скачать прайс
Quality is timeless
To guarantee reference quality of material, the "KVANTA-LCH" company personally controls all production stages: the developed source of raw materials, hi-tech processing of a stone, production and also delivery of finished goods.
3 advantages of our paving stones
- Cost-effective type of a covering. Paving stones from a natural stone are unpretentious in caring and for centuries keep the properties;
- Reliability. Durability and hardness of this material is 10 times higher than any known analogs for pavings;
- Esthetics. Granite paving stones decorate roads of the largest cities of the world, and are widely used in a landscape for creation of an unforgettable exterior.
Why it is worth buying from us?
- Wide range of colours
- Possibility of wholesale orders
- Democratic price policy
- We provide services in laying
From the idea to a ready-made product
Leave the application on our website or by phone of sales department. Our experts will specify all details of your order.
Consultation of our experts who will make the project and the sketch for you and will offer the best materials.
We will send you all information (the detailed specification and the offer) for approval
Having agreed all details of the order, we sign the contract (if it is necessary)
We embody your ideas: we make an order for production, we will produce it on time!
Delivery and installation to any city of the country and at any time convenient for you (it is negotiated separately)
Our other offers
Delivery and installation