Ritual production

The natural stone has found broad application in production of ritual production because it associates itself eternity and firmness. This material possesses a refined esthetics, and, the main – resistance to any weather conditions. " KVANTA-LCH" company offers any ritual production from a natural stone. Being a producer, we can guarantee not only reference quality, but also the lowest priceСкачать прайс
Technological capacities of our enterprise allow to sell ritual products of any format and in necessary volume: single and pair monuments, gravestones from a natural stone, reliable tables, durable vases and many other things.
Advantages of ritual production from a natural stone
- Durability. Natural material doesn't lose the properties for a long time, keeping the uniqueness for centuries;
- Natural beauty. In our products, we keep the natural appearance and texture of a stone to transfer all esthetics in finished goods;
- Optimal price. Buying from us, you avoid margins of intermediaries.
Why it is worth buying from us?
- We make the conjoint and separate flower beds
- We make granite tables and benches under the style of a monument
- Possibility of production in wholesale and at retail
- We use decorative design and figured cutting of a monument
From the idea to a ready-made product
Leave the application on our website or by phone of sales department. Our experts will specify all details of your order.
Consultation of our experts who will make the project and the sketch for you and will offer the best materials.
We will send you all information (the detailed specification and the offer) for approval
Having agreed all details of the order, we sign the contract (if it is necessary)
We embody your ideas: we make an order for production, we will produce it on time!
Delivery and installation to any city of the country and at any time convenient for you (it is negotiated separately)
Delivery and installation